Sunday, August 28, 2011

Visiting China Guangdong Lions Clubs

On 16 Aug, President Ln Ken Jern with new member Lion Daphne Oon met in Guangzhou China and make the official visit to China Guangdong Lions Clubs (D381). China Guangdong Lions Clubs (District D381)consists of 80 clubs and 8800 members within Guangdong Province in Southern China. They were formed in year 2002 with the approval from Government. They have their own building in centre of Guangzhou City.

President Lion Ken & Lion Daphne were hosted by D381 District Governor Lion Mark Xi Ming. President Ken is also exchanging the services render by Lions Club of KL North and our club history. DG Lion Mark also explained on the operations of China Guangdong Lions Clubs and how they operate with 80 clubs and 8800 members. DG also shares with us on how the formation of Lions Club in China.

At the end, President Lion Ken & DG Lion Mark are exchanging the club and District D381 bannerates and DG Lion Mark also present the District badge to Lion Daphne Oon.

1 comment:

Gurcharan Singh Kalra said...

Hi This is Lion Gurcharan Singh Kalra Second Vice District Governor from Distt. 321F.
One of my friend who lives in GZ want to join Lions club in Guangzhou. I just want to sponcer him. Pls help